Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Another addition to the list...

It's time to find a new place to live! I'm going to take this opportunity to A) get rid of all the crap I don't need, B) actually put all of my kitchen gadgets in easily accessible locations to encourage frequent use, C) spend more quality time with myself. Advice? Where should I go??

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: Top three choices so far? Colorado Springs, Northampton, MA, or stay in the DC area. Although last night someone suggested Sewanee, TN. Sounds interesting! The reasons for these three choices are:
    1. My father lives in Colorado, it would be a MAJOR change, maybe exactly what I need right now. (CON? There do not appear to be a lot of jobs out there... at least not for the likes of me.)
    2. Northampton would get me within 2 hours of some of my family on my pop's side. It's new and different while still being fairly easy to get back to DC (etc.) whenever necessary. (CON? Again, not many jobs for the likes of me. Or more specifically, I can't find them. They are probably easier to find once actually up there.
    **One PRO for both of those is housing. The price is definitely right. At least right-er than DC.
    3. Staying in DC area would be fine, but I'm looking at this transition as a chance to really shake things up, jump start some new things in my life. If I stay in this area, I need to be sure to find a way to make it at least FEEL new and different. (CON? I can't afford the housing!)
